Category Archives: Uncategorized

CEEFC 2022: The Power Of (Online) Community

After three years, fundraisers and NGO leaders finally have a chance to meet again at their beloved CEE Fundraising Conference. A line-up packed with practitioners offers unparalleled expertise and allows for the exchange of top experts in the industry.

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Ako viesť fundraisingové kampane nielen v časoch krízy?

Ostatné mesiace i roky sa náš svet a život, na ktorý sme boli ešte donedávna zvyknutí, obrátili naruby. Najskôr dva roky pandémie, teraz nepredvídateľná brutálna vojna za našimi východnými hranicami. Očakávaný návrat do post-pandemického normálu sa nekoná, namiesto toho čelíme jednej z najväčších výziev na našom kontinente od druhej svetovej vojny a musíme si zvykať na nový „normál“. Ako v týchto pohnutých časoch získavať zdroje nielen pre urgentné výzvy, ale aj pre naše dlhodobé poslanie? A aký to má dopad na prácu fundraiserov a fundraiseriek?

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Ako na fundraising v časoch v korony?

Súčasná náročná doba zmenila náš život a fungovanie na nepoznanie. Pred fundraiserov a lídrov zároveň kladie nečakané výzvy, ako v novej realite budovať vzťahy s podporovateľmi a získavať zdroje pre poslanie svojich mimovládnych a verejnoprospešných organizácií.

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Raising More Funds And Making An Impact In A World Of Big Data

ceefc2018_600_248The world is rapidly changing and data is becoming one of the most important assets required for success. It also applies to building relationships with donors, fundraising and making an impact.

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Successful Synergies In Fundraising? Yes, It Can Be Done…



For any cooperation to succeed it is necessary to work towards mutual goals. Non-profit organisations try to raise funds to support their missions, while their partners and supporters seek to fulfil personal motivations and make positive changes in society.

How can these disparate intentions be used to improve fundraising? How can we use the potential of our fans as our fundraising ambassadors? How to make use of volunteers as givers of their time? And how can we attract major donors to, with our help, make a significant change?

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Start Growing: Invest In Your Fundraising And Create Synergies


Many non-profit organisations don’t realise that in order to successfully fulfill their mission over the long-term they need, just like a business, to invest in their development.

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CEEFC Masterclasses Offer World-Class Fundraising Expertise


banner_iniarraThe CEE Fundraising Conference features the world’s renowned fundraising practitioners. Tap into their vast expertise at specialized masteclasses and benefit from their presence in Bratislava.
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Being Successful At Fundraising Means Planning Strategically


Some fundraisers need to plan everything right from the start, for others it is only during the rush of daily work with donors that they discover planning is vital in achieving greater effectivity.

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To Lead You Must Know How. To Lead You Must Know Why. To Lead You Must Know Yourself…

foto_leadership_jana_350_110There is a critical need for leadership in civil society. In Central and Eastern Europe, this need is being felt daily. Leaders of Tomorrow is a 12-month experiential development program which equips men and women with vision to lead organizations, communities, civil society. Leaders of Tomorrow opens door to leadership, to your potential, to your future…

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Fundraising For Complex Causes Is Difficult

Corruption, minority rights, human rights…foto_ceefc_2015_990_311

Getting funding for causes which are difficult to understand at first glance and are too abstract is much more difficult than fundraising to help sick children. “Difficult” causes tend to be more complex and can split a public which understands them with greater difficulty or accepts them more controversially. A strategic approach, creative ideas and innovative communication can provide the means for non-profit organisations working with difficult causes to be successful in their fundraising.

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